Oct 17, 2017 | Core Principles, Movies, Radio, Talent, Television, Uncategorized
Forgive me, but I’m about to get very personal with you. I’ll save the extremely personal stuff for the end, but first, as with almost everything else, I’m going to use my personal feelings to talk about something I love: showbiz. A family member was...
Apr 22, 2015 | Blog, Movies, Radio, Talent, Television
In these parts, we refer to “content” all the time. It’s not a misnomer; content is a business word, and after all, we’re in show business. It is, however, a poor choice of words, given that “content” is a...
Jan 20, 2015 | Blog, Business, Movies, Print, Radio, Television
Remember when television was about the lowest common denominator? Remember when the radio station that won was “the one station that everybody at work can agree on”? Those days – the days of aiming as broadly as possible – are toast. Let’s focus on...
Nov 6, 2014 | Blog, Internet, Radio, Talent, Television
Because the nice people at YouTube have access to over one billion human beings who consume content – voraciously – on their website, they have access to far more information about how content is being used (and not used) than any other operator on the...
Oct 6, 2014 | Blog, Business, Radio, Talent
In these parts, we spend a lot of time thinking about the future of entertainment and media. It’s a future where media is converging, the old ways of doing things are collapsing, and the people who consume our content are becoming accustomed to getting multiple...